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Level 3 Severe Weather Risk Added for Today/Tonight

The Storm Prediction Center has made a few modifications with their latest outlook update for this afternoon and evening. Our forecast posted around 11 AMforecast posted around 11 AM remains unchanged. SPC have extended the standard level two risk farther southwest into the northern Edwards Pleateau. In addition, they’ve also upgraded portions of the Hill Country, Central Texas, and North Texas to a level three out of five risk. The associated hazards of severe storms remain identical across all the risk zones. The increased risk levels signify a higher chance of severe weather. A level one risk has a five percent chance, level two has a fifteen percent chance, and a level three has a thirty percent chance. All risk zones base the ‘chance of severe weather’ off a ‘25 mile radius around a given point – such as your house’. Severe weather watches are likely by 4-5PM.

David Reimer


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